75+ Emotional Sad Love Messages for Her or Him

Sad Love Messages: Breaking up is hard to do. If you’ve recently gone through a separation or heartbreaking split with someone you cared for deeply, you may be looking for the right words to express how you feel. Sending a caring yet sad love message can help provide closure and show your ex that you still value the time you shared together, even if the romantic relationship is over. 

This post aims to offer a wide variety of emotional and comforting things to text, write in a card or message to someone who may still hold a special place in your heart. The sad love messages for her or him included here touch upon feelings of loss, missing the good times you had and wishes for happiness going forward. I hope you are able to find a short message that conveys your true emotions during this difficult period of moving on.

Also Read: Sympathy Messages For The Loss of a Pet

Sad Love Messages to Make Her Cry

  1. These days bring mixed feelings, as is often the case with change. I hope sharing our journey helped in some small way. Wishing you lighter spirits ahead. 🌤️
  2. It’s alright to feel what you feel as you move forward. My thoughts are with you in your own personal healing process. Brighter moments will come. 🌿
  3. Changes unleash a whirlwind within us sometimes. Be gentle with yourself as you embrace this new chapter. Your growth is a beautiful thing. 🌱
  4. Sadness shows us how deeply we can love. Don’t forget this sweetness among the bitter. Soon may your smile return brighter than ever. 🌞
  5. However you choose to walk your path, I hope it leads you to calm waters and green pastures. Your wellbeing was, and remains important. 🍃
  6. Feelings ebb and flow like the tides. This too shall pass, so for now be still, and after be at peace. You’ve got this. 🌊
  7. While we said goodbye, I’m glad for what we shared, if only for a while. Warmest thoughts as you journey onward once more. 🌤
  8. Change is change – and change is growth. However you’re feeling, may you know you aren’t alone. Brighter times will bloom again 🌸
  9. Our little seeds were planted and have grown in their way. Now nourish yourself as your roots take hold elsewhere. You’ve got this. 🌱
  10. Healing takes time. Be gentle and know that each new day holds promise of light after dark. You’ve got this. 🌧
  11. My heart still cares for you deeply. I hope that with time, your joy and smile will return 💔💐
  12. So many wonderful memories we made that I’ll always cherish close. I hope only bright days for you going forward 🌼🌙
  13. You brought me much happiness during our time together. I wish you peace and all the best in life’s journey ahead ☀️🧡
  14. While our paths have diverged, my caring for you remains true and real. May good things find their way to your door 🌈🌸
  15. You opened my heart in special ways I’ll never forget. I hope life continues bringing you lessons of love and learning 💚🙏
  16. Our story wasn’t meant to last, yet I’m grateful we had our time. I hope your tears soon give way to smiles bright 🌙✨
  17. Many beautiful moments we shared I’ll hold dear. I send thoughts that your pain lessens with each new dawn 🌅💫
  18. Though we part as more than friends, I cannot deny the bond left behind. May joy light your pathway onward 🦋🌼
  19. While my heart aches some at our ending, I wish peace for you each and every day. Your happiness was, is and will always be important to me 🌺🌅
  20. Days we spent together hold treasures within I’ll keep safely tucked away. I hope life’s gifts continue finding their way to your heart ✨💞

Painful Love Text Messages for Him

  1. Good morning, my love 😘 I’m thinking of you and can’t wait to see you soon!
  2. Just wanted to say I love you 🥰 You really know how to make me smile.
  3. Missing your arms around me 🤗 Wishing we could cuddle up and watch movies all day.
  4. Texting to tell you that you’re amazing 🤩 Thanks for always being so sweet and supportive.
  5. Hope you’re having a wonderful day, honey! 😍 You’re in my thoughts.
  6. Can’t wait for our date tonight 💕 It’s always so nice to spend time with my favorite person.
  7. Saw something that reminded me of you 😄 Thinking of all of our inside jokes and laughs we share.
  8. Just wanted to send some virtual kisses 💋💋💋 You really light up my world.
  9. Missing your handsome face 😍 Dropping everything to give you a big hug when I see you!
  10. Hope work isn’t too stressful today 😊 Remember that you’ve got this and I’m here if you need anything!
  11. Wishing we could cuddle up under the stars 🌙 You’re my favorite person to spend evenings with.
  12. Saw these flowers and they made me smile 💐 Just like you always do!
  13. Texting to say I love our adventures together 😄 Remember that weekend getaway we took? Such fun memories!
  14. I love making you laugh 😄 Your smile is gorgeous and really brightens my day.
  15. You’re just the best 🥰 Thank you for all that you do. I’m one lucky girl!
  16. Can’t wait to do all our favorite things together on the weekend 💕 Quality time with you is the best.
  17. Hoping you have an amazing day! 😘😘😘 You definitely deserve it.
  18. Miss cuddling up with you 🥰 Wishing the time would pass quicker until I see you again!

Also Read: Take Care Messages for Someone Special

Long Painful Message to Your Boyfriend

  1. I miss you so much, baby. Being away from you makes my heart ache 🙁 Distance is hard but our connection gives me comfort. Wherever you are, know that my love for you stretches across any miles. You’re in my thoughts constantly and I can’t wait to be back in your warm embrace again 🙂 My heart belongs fully to you, now and always <3
  2. You are my soulmate, my other half. When we’re together I feel so complete, like we were truly made for each other <3 But being apart isn’t easy, I hate falling asleep without you by my side 🙁 You’re the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing on my mind before going to bed each night. I love how we can just be ourselves around each other, no facade, just pure love. You’re my best friend and I’m thankful for you every single day <3
  3. I miss you more with each passing second until I’m in your arms again 🙁 Distance truly makes the heart grow fonder because all I want is to kiss your soft lips and hold you tight. You make me feel so happy and safe, like nothing bad can ever touch me when I’m with you 🙂 You’re my safe place in this crazy world. Thank you for always making me smile and reminding me how special our love is <3 I can’t wait to cuddle up with you again and leave all this distance behind!
  4. Words can’t describe how much I love you and how much your presence means to me 🙁 Being without you is torture but thinking of you keeps me going. You are my everything – my light, my joy, my home. When I’m hugging my pillow at night pretending it’s you, I know our love is real. Distance may separate us but it will never break what we have <3 I miss your sweet voice, your laugh, your touch… every moment feels like an eternity until I’m back in your arms again. Stay strong, my love, because we’ll be together again very soon <3
  5. Baby, I miss you more than you can ever know 🙁 Being so far from your warm hugs makes the days feel endless. Not much can cheer me up like being with you can. The hours feel twice as long without you by my side. All I want is to curl up close to you and listen to your heartbeat. You’re my person, my soulmate, my home – the place I feel safest and most at peace. I love you to the moon and back <3 Distance feels impossible but our connection makes it bearable. Just hold on a little longer, my love, because soon we’ll never have to say goodbye again 🙂
  6. Distance has made my heart desperately miss you 🙁 But it’s also made me appreciate you even more than I thought possible. When I’m away from you all I want is to be close again, counting down the moments until I can hold you in my arms once more. Your smile lights up my whole world and I cherish every second we spent together. You’re my comfort, my joy, my future. I love getting lost in your eyes and the feeling of your soft lips on mine <3 Our future is bright together, baby, so hold on a little longer. I can’t wait to show you just how much you truly mean to me <3
  7. Baby, I miss touching you, kissing you, laughing with you… Being apart makes the days drag on 🙁 But keeping you in my heart and our memories fresh in my mind gets me through. We’ve been together through so much already and I know our love can withstand distance too. What we have is so special and real <3 I love how you make me feel – cherished, adored, at peace. You’re my soulmate and I can’t wait to build our lives together side by side. These days will pass before we know it and soon enough I’ll be right back where I belong – in your arms <3 I love you so much!
  8. My heart aches for you, my darling 🙁 Nothing feels complete without you by my side. Waking up next to you is my favorite way to start each morning. I love how we can just be ourselves with each other and the silly little things we share. Every day apart feels like a lifetime but knowing you’re mine forever keeps me going. Your beautiful smile and warm hugs are what I miss the most. Stay strong, baby – we’ll be together again before we know it and then I’ll never let you go <3 I love you with all my heart!
  9. I miss you more than words can ever say 🙁 Falling asleep without your arms around me just doesn’t feel right. Holding you close and listening to your heartbeat is my happy place. You’re my rock, my soulmate, my forever. I cherish every moment we share and hold them close to my heart during these hard times apart. Our love is once in a lifetime and I thank my lucky stars every day that you’re mine. Know that you’re always in my thoughts and that I’ll be counting down until I’m back where I belong – in your loving embrace. I love you <3
  10. You light up my entire world, baby 🙁 Being without you makes the days dark and lonely. Your loving smile is what gives me strength. I miss every little thing about you – your warmth, your laugh, your morning kiss. All I want is to look into your gorgeous eyes again and feel complete. You stole my heart from the moment we met and I’m so thankful you’re mine. Hold on tight to our beautiful memories my darling because soon enough we’ll be reunited again and I’ll never let you go <3 I love you so much, you’re my everything!
  11. Distance makes the heart grow fonder they say and it’s so true 🙁 Nothing compares to being in your loving arms but knowing our future is bright keeps me going. You’ve made me the happiest girl and I can’t wait for forever with you <3 I love your warm hugs, your late night talks, your everything! Stay strong togetherness is just around the corner and then I’ll be counting down the days until I get to make you mine forever <3 You are my soulmate and I love you to the stars and back my darling!
  12. My heart swells with love for you, baby 🙁 Distance makes me miss your tender touches and kisses but our connection runs so much deeper. All I want is to hear your heartbeat next to mine again and know that together we’re invincible. You’ve brought me smiles, laughs and made me feel loved like no other. I cherish everything about you and can’t wait for the day we finally reunite <3 Our future awaits and I’ll love you eternally, my darling. Just hold on tight, soon we’ll never have to say goodbye again!
  13. I love you so much, my darling 🙁 Being away from your embrace is never easy but you’ve given me wings to fly. Our little moments will always be ingrained in my heart. I cherish every hug, kiss and memory we’ve shared and I can’t wait to make thousands more by your side. Together we can get through anything – believe me baby, we’ve got this! Just hold on tight to my heart because it belongs fully to you <3 I love you forever and can’t wait to see your beautiful smile again real soon!
  14. No distance could ever break our love, baby 🙁 I miss your scent, your laugh, your everything! You stole a piece of my heart from the moment our eyes met. We’ve been through joy and struggle, life’s ups and downs, but together we’re a perfect team. Your loving arms are my happy place and I can’t wait to feel home once more. Stay strong my darling, we’ll be together very soon with our whole lives still ahead of us <3 I love you with all that I am and I’m always yours!
  15. My love for you grows fonder each passing day we’re apart, baby 🙁 The miles between us right now seem endless but the strength of our bond is infinite. You’re my soulmate and the love of my life – nobody has ever understood me like you do. Staying positive gets me through but I can’t wait to lose myself in your soft embrace again. Our future together will be brighter than any sunrise, so keep your head held high my darling <3 I love you forever and always!
  16. You fill my heart with so much joy, my darling 🙁 Distance makes the days achingly long without you but our love story has just begun. We’ve overcome so much already and grown stronger together along the way. Soon we’ll be reunited again but till then, know your place will always be right by my side <3 I cherish you and love you endlessly. Stay strong for me my love – brighter days are coming and I can’t wait to show you how much you truly mean to me!
  17. My love, being apart takes its toll but our bond runs deeper than any miles 🙁 All I think about is coming home to your tender hugs and kisses. No distance could weaken the love we’ve built; time apart is but a blink for what’s to come. Soon we’ll be reunited for forever, darling. Let’s dream of that beautiful day and our glorious future together; you are my soulmate and I yours <3 Hang on tight, my love – we’re in this as a team and I can’t wait to build a lifetime of adventures by your side!

Sad Messages to Make Him Cry

  1. 😍 I can’t stop thinking about you!
  2. 🥰You always know how to make me smile. Thanks for being you!
  3. 💕 No matter how far apart we are, my heart is always with you.
  4. 😘 Wishing I could give you a kiss right now! Miss that handsome face.
  5. 🤗 Sending you a big virtual hug. Hope you’re having a great day!
  6. 💙 You’ll always have my heart. I love you so much!
  7. 🥺 I miss cuddling up with you. Can’t wait to see you again!
  8. 🥰😘 You’re the best thing that’s ever been mine. Thanks for being so amazing!
  9. 😭 I’m emotional today and just wanted to say how much you mean to me.
  10. 💕💕 You’re my person. I’m so glad we found each other.
  11. 🥰 I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have your love.
  12. 😚 dreaming of your soft lips tonight…
  13. 😍😍 just wanted to tell you you’re gorgeous inside and out!
  14. 😘😘 hope today was as wonderful as you are!
  15. 💖💖 you make my world a brighter place.
  16. 🥰🥰 you’re the best thing that’s ever been mine. I love you!

Also Read: Deep Love Messages for Her

Painful Words to Make Her Cry

  1. 💕 Precious – You are so precious to me.
  2. 🥰 Gorgeous – I’m so lucky to have such a gorgeous woman.
  3. 😍 Beautiful – You take my breath away with your natural beauty.
  4. ❤️ Lucky – I feel so lucky to call you mine.
  5. 😘 Cute – Everything you do is just so cute!
  6. 🥰 Wonderful – You make each day wonderful just by being in it.
  7. 💗 Sweetheart – My dearest sweetheart, you mean the world to me.
  8. 💖 Amazing – You continue to amaze me with your kindness and strength.
  9. 🤗 Lovely – I adore your lovely smile and warm hugs.
  10. 😍 Stunning – Every time I see you, I’m stunned by your beauty.
  11. 🥰 Darling – My darling, you fill my heart with joy.
  12. 🥰 Adorable – Everything about you is utterly adorable.
  13. 💕 Angel – You are truly my angel.
  14. 😘 Cutie – You’re the cutest girl I know!
  15. 💖 Treasure – You will always be my most cherished treasure.

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